Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's time to fight back or roll over and die: Scott Peden (guest author)

Dennis is the only one that has a HISTORY - a VOTING RECORD - of trying to make the Corporations accountable, especially the War Profiteering corporations in our perpetual war profit scheme.

You know how much the MSM refused to even let his visage be on TV, but it should console Kucinich supporters to know that the MSM has lost 45% of it's viewing audience since 9/11/01.

Democrats and Republicans have lost LOTs of voters to the point that at the polls, when people are asked how they vote (not asking how they are registered) that straight ticket Repos get 22-23% of the votes, Democratic loyalists get 23-25% of the votes and those that say they vote independent of party lines are 46-48%. That's the target audience any viable candidate must appeal to. By remaining within the Democratic Party (I think they'll have to throw Kucinich out like President Tyler's party did when he refuse to abide by the world bankers agenda of controlling the US in the 1840's) Dennis also gains the chance of getting more Democrats to vote for him.

By far, those who claim to vote independent, look at candidates records. They are the educated bunch. Probably only 2-5% of the Dems and Repos know their own party records, they only concentrate on keeping the party issue polarized and attack the Republicans for the same things that the Democrats in office do.

Talk voting records. Talk who walks their talk. None of the CEO's have walked their talk this sElection Season.

People who will only go where there are other people, are followers. Those are the ones who don't get educated and easily succumb to the mass media spin frenzy, and the idea is to keep them confused and voting on sound bytes alone.

Most voters are aware that voter fraud is rampant. Diebold and it's affiliates are the ones being fingered, but who is covering their ass? Think about that closely.....It sure seems like the Big Corporate War Democrats aren't very concerned, never have been and none of them in the last 8 years have ever fought it through legally, always taking the easy way out even with a mess of the nation behind them.

The MSM are Multi-National Mega corporations and that consortium of Corporations are also the ones controlling who gets on the ballot. It's time for fight back or roll over and die.

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