Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Fascist Farce Plays Us for Fools: William Tower, Guest Author

If we don't respond to the recent attempts (these all-too-successful far) by the mainstream media, MSNBC & ABC, to limit and manipulate the democratic process, the MSM will see our inaction as tacit approval of their unilateral 'culling' of candidates, until we are left with nothing more than Coke vs. Pepsi electoral 'options'. Their lack of concern for fairness shows their contempt for robust political discussion (which is, we are told, what distinguishes our American democracy from a run-of-the-mill banana republic). It also signals their contempt for us the voters and for the candidates who seek to represent our interests

Having one African American and one female candidate among the usual cast of gray-suited white men might give a cosmetic cover to claims of political diversity; but it represents nothing approaching a genuine divergence of political thought. These cosmetic differences might satisfy the honchos in the boardrooms on 57th Street or "K" Street; but if they satisfy us, the citizenry, the game is pretty much "up"...the bad guys have won. Business-as-usual politics and status quo economics can continue virtually unchallenged.

The alliance between the mainstream media and the two 'chamber of commerce' political parties is never more evident than on those rare occasions when their hegemony is threatened. Ralph Nader has the scars to prove it...after their hatchet job on his reputation. Both Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul are being similarly marginalized by the mockery directed against them and the trivialization directed against their ideas (when they are acknowledged at all).

If we don't confront this unholy alliance between the two status quo parties and the media which sustain them, we as a nation will be facing a Brave New World that no longer even makes a show of free elections. I only hope we have the gumption to take to the streets if all else fails.

- Bill

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